Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Day 10 of our journey is drawing down. It was a relatively easy day - 257 miles - mostly over open highways....we have put on slightly more that 1,800 miles. Since Monday, we have been on the road - after leaving Copan, Oklahoma - we have gone to Dodge City, KS; Wray, CO, and now Guernsey, Wyoming. We will follow up with drives to Lander, Wyoming tomorrow and finally go to Montpelier, Idaho before we get a "day off" the bike.
Wray, CO to Guernsey, WY - 257 miles of fun and sun....
Anyrate, today was the kind of day you really enjoy. The weather cooperated by being in the mid 80's. The wind has been picking up the last couple of days - but luckily, it has mostly been at our back - as we head north. The times we go west, I have to struggle to keep the bike in the lane - as gusts can push you around pretty good out here in the "open plains"....
So, we left Doc's Bed and Breakfast in Wray Colorado, after a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs, a muffin and coffee (lots of coffee). We got on the road again about 6:15 am local time
A beautiful piece of art, exquisite detail, and finely polished over the years - and a hutch with kitchen plates
MORE COFFEE....please??!?
So we had a nice easy ride into a couple of the small towns north of Wray (Holyoke, Julesburg) and eventually made our way into Nebraska. We just LOVE driving through these little towns and seeing all of the stores, shops, and other places....
Driving through one of the many, many small towns on our journey

  We stopped to get gas in Oshkosh (by-gosh) and Jeanette saw these two signs....

Nothing special about this storage place - we just loved the name....
And as we drove further north into Nebraska, the plains of eastern Colorado slipped into the beautiful rolling hills of western Nebraska. As we drove, Jeanette snapped a few pictures. I must tell you that driving along at 60 mph with no other traffic around, a peaceful wind at your back and a sunny day....well, I think this is a very (very) slight reflection of heaven.....but it was wonderful.
Western Nebraska....
We continued driving along - and came to Chimney Rock. It has a visitor's center ($3 - but if you really want, there are all kinds of photos you can take from the surrounding area...
Jeanette in front of Chimney Rock - visitor's center is on the right
Me - with Chimney Rock in the background. Both of these photos were shot from the parking lot - so it didn't cost us a thing to take these shots....
However, unlike other things that cost almost triple (hint - Greensburg, Ks largest hand-dug well and Missouri's Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House on the Prarie Museum)....this was TOTALLY worth the $3. They had a 15 minute video clip - it also discussed a little about Chimney Rock....and they had interactive displays of the Oregon Trail pioneers. I don't know if you "got this" from some of my other writings - but those pioneers (men, women AND children) were some tough old dudes.  Their work ethic and spirit of adventure puts us to shame...

This is an "average" list of what the settlers would take with them...
The small blue wagon (in the foreground) lets you load items from the shelves into it. If you overloaded - it would give you a "beep" and tell you your horses would die - and consequently you would too. If you underloaded, it would beep and tell you that you will starve to death.....and die. If you loaded it just right - you would still be likely to die from exhaustion, animal attacks, indian attacks, diseases, etc.
"I don't get it....what is all the fuss about this chimney rock?  
It doesn't seem that big to me....."
So anyrate, for me, the visitor's center (it also has a gift shop) rates a definite visit. 
We continued our journey through Scottsbluff, Nebraska and we paralleled the North Platte River for most of the day (sometimes we could see it - sometimes it was miles away)....
North Platte River
And as we crossed into Wyoming, it was right at lunch time. We entered the small town of Torrington - and found a converted gas station called "The American Malt" - and it had WONDERFUL hamburgers.  The "special" was a 1/4-pound burger (cheese or regular), a mound of potato salad, macaroni salad, or cole slaw, and your choice of chips - for $5.50!! Again, Jeanette tried to take my photo - but I had already "sneaked" a bite.  It was one of the best burgers (with all of the trimmings as well.....mmmmmm)

So we got into Guernsey around 1 pm and unloaded. Now, you may ask yourself....why Guernsey, Wyoming? Well, in March of 2011 - this was where I had "CAST" training....(Combat Airman Skills Training) - where I got to sleep in a dorm full of Senior Master Sergeants, qualify with an M16, walk around in full gear, train on convoy operations, train on how to clear rooms, etc. etc. As they bussed us from function to function - I kept thinking what a beautiful area it is and how much I would love to share this with Jeanette..... well.... that is why I chose to come to Guernsey Wyoming.
I have said that I wanted to do a "PTSD Trip" - and I will be the first one to tell you that I did not face combat like most of those who go over there..... yes, there were a few dangerous situations and times when I was worried I may not make it home....but God protected me....and here I am....In Guernsey - with my girl........and Iraq is now 8,000 miles this is where I can "close the book" on my time there. I enjoyed it while I was there.....but this is my closure.

Okay, so - we checked into the Bunkhouse Motel - this is not exactly the Ritz - but it is okay for us....

Although I did strike up a conversation with some of the locals....
She didn't talk a lot - but I think she REALLY liked me...
And had dinner at Tony's next door....It was more of a bar than a diner - but we found a back room (where they didn't allow smoking)....and "ordered up"
Just a quick little dinner
This was called the "Tony's burger" -
that (supposedly) is a 1/3 lb burger, (there are actually two of them),
ham and grilled cheese on texas toast.....
It came with fries....and cost $8....
the reason we have this photo - I could only finish half....
and I am sick from that.....but it was a great place.
So that is it for today.  I hope you are enjoying in sharing our adventure....
Wade and Jeanette


  1. Continued good weather and God speed. I always look forward to your daily postings.
    Jeanette you are a real trouper.

    1. Thanks! I am along for the ride and having a lot of fun too!! :o)
