Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Well, we left Huron this morning....the clouds were sparse and quickly burning off....and after our "continental breakfast" - we headed towards the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD.....
The world famous Corn Palace in Mitchell SD....
So we went from Huron to Mitchell, SD - to Sioux Falls, SD to Sheldon, Iowa...here is the route for you graphically...
200 miles today.....a tough 200...
Some of you have asked, why only 200-250 miles a day - when you can easily double that in a car.... well today was a perfect answer. After we left, the winds started blowing at 30+mph - and when a truck would go by, the wind would slam into us. It was also over 90 degrees (and humid) so the wind is hot as well.... On a motorcycle, it is very demanding (for both passenger and driver) physically and mentally when you have constant, gusting wind. When we finally arrived in Sheldon, Jeanette snapped this photo at the hotel...
This is basically what we have been fighting all day...
But that is what happens when you choose to ride a motorcycle 5000+ miles.... and overall, we have been VERY fortunate to have had mostly good weather. Although tomorrow is supposed to rain and have more gusts..... but (just like Scarlet O'Hara) we will deal with that tomorrow....
Anyrate, even with the hot wind, we had a great day. We stopped in Mitchell at the Corn Palace. Mitchell is a neat little town with a lot of small stores. I was expecting something a little different, but the Corn Palace is a small arena - it was setup for a small gift shop in the area - but there was a stage where they could hold plays and there was a basketball court.....it was still pretty impressive - and the "corn murals" were really interesting....
Inside the Corn Palace-this is facing towards the stage. 
Note the corn murals above and to the side of the stage...
Here you can see the "seats" on the right side. 
Today, there was a "gift shop" setup on the basketball court.
 (notice the basketball scoreboard on the ceiling....
also note the other murals on the sides....)
Closeup of the Mt. Rushmore corn mural
a closeup of the bull - notice the yellow corn cobs....
The Indians planting corn....
And I got to meet "Corny" ...
I commented to her...."My, what big ears you have..."
Also, there are some neat attractions outside....
Another shot of the outside of the Corn Palace...
Across the street, there is a statue of Corny....
There were also some benches with mannequins that you could pose with
...(notice I wasn't about to say "dummies"....)
Finally, I can win an argument....
One of the workers of the "castle" next door took our picture..
This is a board outside that shows how a mural is made.....
This is the castle next to the Corn Palace...
it is actually a Christian Bookstore set up into different little stores...
So after our visit to the Corn Palace.....we took a trip to Sioux Falls.....where I learned something interesting.....
OOOOHHHH....NOW I get it....
falls....Sioux Indians.
 I thought the place was named after some lady who tripped.
This is the view downstream of the falls.  
The building on the left has been converted to a Cafe.....

more of the falls....gorgeous stuff...
Some of the Native South Dakotans enjoying the stream....
As mentioned above, there is also a cafe (called shockingly...."Cafe Overlooking the Falls")....
We split a "havana sandwich" and some dirty fries...
well they weren't dirty - they were called dirty...
not that they are dirty...you can see I am pondering the name "dirty fries."
  And of course, it is not a pretty sight, but it is part of the food chain...
There is also the "ruins" of an old mill...it is called (seriously) the Queen Bee Mill. Apparently Sioux Falls is also known in some circles as the "Queen City".....
Some of the foundation of the Queen Bee Mill

This is the wheel house for the former mill....
And here is the current Queen Bee.....at least in my eyes....
So we have completed over 4,000 miles now....and we are going to do another "mileage" trip tomorrow - before we stay with relatives for the rest of the weekend. Believe it or not (hard for ME to fathom....) but the end of our journey is drawing nigh......
We hope you are enjoying sharing our adventures...
Wade and Jeanette


  1. Yeah, I hope you enjoyed my home town!! The falls are always a must to visit - most don't know they exist - be safe tomorrow - and if you drive by Tama, IA, I have family there too!

  2. Fun adventures! Looking forward to seeing you guys in a few days!
