Monday, June 25, 2012

48 Out Of 48.....

Greetings from Wisconsin! Yes, we have finally made it to all 48 states (and done something significant in each one.) We are staying overnight in beautiful downtown Crandon, Wisconsin. We also stopped and had lunch at Rhinelander.....but I digress....since I posted last...

We spent some time in Minneapolis (and St. Paul - just to be fair) - with Jeanette's brother, Mike, wife Karen and their family. We had such a great time. Jeanette and Karen went and "did" the MOA (Mall of America) - which explained why stocks briefly went up this morning. Mike and I drove around and tried to convince some of the banks to put a "stop" on their accounts, but it didn't work.
Anyrate, the MOA is everything it is advertised as.....Jeanette took a few photos for me to share....
This is one DARN big mall!
4 floors - 3 floors of shops and on the top floor 
there are theaters and restaurants....
This is from LegoLand - it is a picture of a moose using Legos
This is at the LegoLand store as well...
a Tiger and a Transformer made entirely of Legos are on the roof...
You can tell how big these things are when you compare
them to the peoples' heads beneath them.
This is a ride that goes over one of the stores.....YIKES!
This shows the roller coaster tracks....
The entrance.....can you hear the trumpets sounding????
This is the "Peeps Store".....all things "peeps" - 
even though it isn't Easter.
They also have special events.
What you are seeing is a large jumbotron screen - 
showing a guy (in the foreground) at the 
World Yo-Yo Championships.....
which was taking place live there....
Meanwhile, Mike and I went and did some "manly" things.  We started by going to the huge classic car show that was going on - but it was too crowded and we couldn't find a parking space (plus, we refused to ask for directions) we pretty much whined and complained, like men do - and went and did something else...
We went by the Univ of Minnesota 
(the Golden Gophers) Stadium....
Mike is a high school football coach - 
and I have loved football for many years, 
so this was fun to go visit....
This is a water tower in downtown Minneapolis....
it is known as "The Witches Hat"
This is the Mississippi River - that was really high - 
there are normally walkways down there...
We also had a "Saturday evening" family get-together with Mike and Karen's children and grandchildren....
"da boys" playin a little roundball....
L-R: Brett Watson, Owen, Jordan, Elijah
Yes, it is a "growing" family (apparently except for hair....)
L-R: Sara (Brett's wife), Owen (their son), Matt Watson & 
wife Barbara.
The whole group gathered for a birthday party....
L-R: Birthday boy - Jordan (Heidi's son), Justine (Matt & Barbara's daughter),
Nina (Heidi's daughter), Heidi, Barbara, Karen, and Elijah
After all the running around, we went out after church on Sunday to a place in Stillwater that is right along the river
This was our "view" for Sunday dinner...
Mike and Karen......great time with you all.
So this morning, we got up and began the "last leg" of our journey.....From Minneapolis to Crandon, Wisconsin - and consequently - hitting the "last" of the 48 states....
I included the route we took out of Minneapolis.  I have never been here before (other than a stopover at the airport)....but we took a "meandering" journey - mostly following the river....
We could have taken the freeway - 
but instead we took the "scenic route" along the river 
up to Hwy was fun to drive in 
downtown St Paul and then see the sights.
Afterwards, we pretty much hit Hwy 8 and followed it 
through some BEAUTIFUL countryside....
We made a quick stop just outside of Prentice (there was no real town but we found some asphalt to park along) - and as we stopped - Jeanette noticed that this neglected, dilapidated  old building we were standing next to was an old school house...
The band above the door says
and the date is 1912....the building had 
a lot of junk and stuff in front of it....
We also stopped for lunch in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Not sure why, but there are a bunch of dragon statues around the we stopped for a quick photo with one of them....
Anyrate, we arrived in Crandon in good shape. We are just taking it easy - and probably getting some take-out food for dinner and resting in tonight....we still have a couple of big days - before we get home on Thursday.
We hope you are enjoying sharing our adventure.
Wade and Jeanette

1 comment:

  1. So fun to see you guys! And you went to the Dock Cafe!! It's our favorite place!
