Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Final Journey......

Well, we did it.....
Hopefully, you can read that - 31 days - 5,626 miles....WHAT A GREAT ADVENTURE!!
Not a lot to share today - we knew the weather was going to be hot here in Springfield -so we got an early start - left at 7 am right after a quick breakfast at the hotel - and shot all the way home.
We started off on Hwy 75, continued down on Hwy 23 thru Ann Arbor and eventually into Toledo. Hwy 23 hooks up with 75 for about 35 miles - until we hit Findlay, Ohio. From there is was all Hwy 68 down into Springfield. We did take a couple of breaks - one on a rest stop off of Hwy 23. We also found a Wendy's in Kenton, Ohio - where we had a nice "tea and diet coke" break.
We arrived home at around noon.....exhausted. Even though there is a smile on our face - we were tired and ready to come home.
Of course, we had to go out shopping as we had no food in the house and the air conditioner has broken down (we already have two window units going - and the service guy will come out we are okay.)
It was great to see all of our friends and relatives that we visited....that is always the best part. We are lucky that we have such a big, wonderful, loving family - on both sides of the aisle....(as a matter of fact, I have always had a sneaking suspicion that most of my family likes Jeanette better than they like they knew her before we got married.) But that was our favorite highlight of the trip. 
The weather was fantastic for most of the trip - we only saw over 90 degrees two days....yep, the first day of the trip and the last day.....the rest of the time the highs were in the 70s or 80s....we only saw hard rain for about 20 miles - when we were just about to arrive at my brother's house in Oklahoma - other than that, we saw a lot of clouds - and a few sprinkles - but no rain storms.
While we were in Wyoming, there was a tornado about 100 miles to the southwest of us.....never saw a drop or felt any wind from that. There were reports that the week before we arrived, the weather in Kansas was 100 degrees with high was beautiful for us. It poured and rained and flooded in Minnesota but it was the week before we arrived. The winds did get bad in South Dakota and Iowa - and we really needed a break- so it was nice to get to visit relatives and have a few days away from the bike.
So....for my final thoughts....this trip was over a year in the making - and there were some times when I was in Iraq that it gave me a "mental break" - to think about spending a long period of time with my girl, riding across this country that I love, visiting the places I have heard about and read about....and visiting relatives that we seemed so far away at the time - and then - it started and now it is over.....what a great way to finish up the deployment.
To our friends who followed us on this journey (and who may have followed the deployment to Iraq) - I hope you had an interesting read and we could bring some of these places a bit more to life for you. We have a great country - with lots of lovely people and interesting places. 

So for Jeanette and I.....thank you and...
We hope you enjoyed sharing our adventure!!!
Love - Wade and Jeanette

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Well, we have had a blast, but are definitely ready to get home. We have been SO many places - and thinking back to that first day (driving to Vandalia, Illinois) seems like a million years ago. BUT - besides that, let me say that we had a GREAT day today. The weather has not gotten hot (yet) - the wind was minimal until later in the afternoon - and we found a wonderful place for lunch.
Today was one of those days where I didn't have a plan of  cities to drive to and through all laid out. We just knew we had to get to Birch Run, Michigan sometime we got out of St. Ignace around 7:30 and crossed the Mackinac Bridge.
The weird thing is that north of the bridge is known as "The U-P" (the upper peninsula) - even though it is part of Michigan. What I DID NOT expect was a "Michigan Rest Area and Visitor's Center" when we crossed the bridge into the lower part of Michigan. I guess those "youpers" really take this stuff seriously, eh?
Anyrate, we drove into Cheboygan (and for some reason, I thought of all of those Bugs Bunny cartoons, where they would have the bus announcer tell the cities that the bus was going to....
and all points south.....)
It was a nice little town.
The weather was a bit chilly - we went a little further down the road and stopped in Rogers City for some coffee.  Well, the first place we went to was more of a sandwich place - but they were very nice and recommended "The Painted Lady" and said the coffee was really good.
So we pulled in there - and the place was a small shop - with tons of "hippie stuff" in the front part. Then it went to a toy shop in the middle and in the "way back" was a coffee house. We sat and talked with about 4 of the local men that were retired (they were good guys - even though we told them we were from Ohio...) and we had a great cup of coffee.
We went outside (after about 5 minutes of chatting 
with the locals) and had our coffee
Jeanette getting ready to have some brew....

Wade - trying to figure out where to go next....
This guy was one of the locals....
a real show off. Yep. 
He was a real hot dog....(even though he was a statue)
So the "straight" route today - would have been right down Hwy 75. But instead, we "veered off" onto Hwy 23 - took that just past Rogers City and into the Huron National Forest.  Here was our route today
Another 250 miles today...
We were driving along Hwy 23 - and there were all these "scenic" stops highlighting Lake I told Jeanette, I would take the next scenic stop and we could take some photos of the lake. Well, I see a "scenic stop" sign and pull over....and I don't know why - but there was only trees - NO VIEW of the we took a few shots (puzzled as to why they made this a scenic stop) - and then we drove on and got a shot or two of Lake Huron...
This is the "scenic view" at the stop....
we even walked a bit into the woods (not too far
and could not see the water...
My favorite "scenic view"....
a little farther down the road - Lake Huron....
We pulled over in a "picnic area" and got this shot....
there were no tables - just a gravel outcropping from the road - 
so I don't know why this was labeled a "picnic area".....
On the road again......
So we drove further down the road until about lunchtime. We were looking for a place to eat when we went into the small town of Standish and found "Wheeler's Family Restaurant" and we got the LUNCH OF A LIFETIME ....see here...
There were two "specials"
....Jeanette got the meatloaf - and I got the fish and chips....see the amount of food?? (and you can barely make out the cole slaw on the side...) - it was insane....and the cost was $6.95 EACH....We couldn't take a doggy bag home as we had no room on the motorcycle - but oh my gosh - that was a lot of food (and the okie in me HATED throwing it away - as we barely ate half....)
So we arrived at Birch Run - we are 250 miles from home and should get that done tomorrow - barring any problems or extreme weather (it is supposed to be windy and around 100 degrees in Springfield tomorrow - but we are hoping to beat most of the heat and get home early afternoon....)
 It was pretty warm when we arrived at our hotel, so we went for a "quick dip" in the pool after we unpacked most of our stuff.
Tomorrow is a "mileage day" - we just want to get home. But on the way home tomorrow, Jeanette and I are going to summarize our favorite moments and the blog will reflect that....
Hope you are enjoying sharing our adventure.
Wade and Jeanette

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We Have Entered Enemy Territory......

Yes, we have infiltrated Michigan (for those of you who don't know, Michigan and Ohio have a huge rivalry)....
But today - we discovered another "world's largest" in Laona, Wisconsin....
Yes, the world's largest soup kettle - 
and once again, I am in hot water/deep soup 
(take your pick of sayings) with Jeanette
 But before I discuss today's trip, I wanted to show you the little motel we stayed at last night....
This is the "Main Street Inn" (located guessed it....Main St
in Crandon, Wisconsin. The motel was built in 1952 
and it was an older, but well kept motel - 
with wireless internet and cable tv 
(as well as microwave and fridge....
Plus, as a bonus, it was located right next to....
The Log Cabin Cafe - which serves an EXCELLENT breakfast.
We were not feeling particularly hungry this morning - so we both had a couple of eggs and some toast-as well as a few cups of coffee and we were set to go. So we started the days journey and here is the map of where we drove....
250 miles - beautiful drive - 
although this afternoon, the wind coming off the lake 
was picking up and feeling a little bit chilly....
After about 10 miles, we came across the town of Laona, Wisconsin, where we found the soupkettle

Jeanette, getting ready to fix me lunch....
(it's okay dear, I only want some soup...)
"where's the crackers???"
Also, in the same park, was this memorial to those soldiers 
from the town who have given the ultimate sacrifice...
There was also this neat old mural 
on one of the buildings in town - 
showing a mural of the steam train....
As we were driving out of Wisconsin, Jeanette and I were both lamenting the fact that we didn't eat any cheese while we were here. We were told the cheesy soup is awesome and after all, Wisconsin is known for cheese. Jeanette asked me what folks from Michigan were famous for eating. That's easy .....they eat a lot of crow around November ....usually after the Ohio State game.  :o)  
But I kid...Michigan is actually very beautiful and we have enjoyed the drive today. Shortly after we crossed the border into Michigan we got an extra special treat - running across the street right in front of us - from one group of trees into another  - was a large black bear!!! No time to grab a camera, but we both oohed and aahed at the sight. Never expected to see one here, but we wanted to see one in Yellowstone. We also got to see a red fox later in the afternoon. 
We had a chance to stop and get a couple of photos of Lake Michigan....
You can see "the caps" of the waves - as the wind was picking up....
gorgeous scenery....
If you look right in the center of the photo - 
you will see the seagull....
they were "swooping" around in the wind...
So we arrived a little later than normal (we finally went "back" to Eastern Time Zone - so we lost an hour) in St. Ignace, Michigan....I happened to have been minding my own business - when this candy shop attacked me....
Hold on Jeanette....I think I can sneak this out under my t-shirt.....
Don't worry, big bag of cheese corn....I will always love you...
caught at the candy store.....
Of course, the area is beautiful....

and so is the company!
Just two more days until we reach home....
Thank you for sharing our adventure....
Wade and Jeanette 

Monday, June 25, 2012

48 Out Of 48.....

Greetings from Wisconsin! Yes, we have finally made it to all 48 states (and done something significant in each one.) We are staying overnight in beautiful downtown Crandon, Wisconsin. We also stopped and had lunch at Rhinelander.....but I digress....since I posted last...

We spent some time in Minneapolis (and St. Paul - just to be fair) - with Jeanette's brother, Mike, wife Karen and their family. We had such a great time. Jeanette and Karen went and "did" the MOA (Mall of America) - which explained why stocks briefly went up this morning. Mike and I drove around and tried to convince some of the banks to put a "stop" on their accounts, but it didn't work.
Anyrate, the MOA is everything it is advertised as.....Jeanette took a few photos for me to share....
This is one DARN big mall!
4 floors - 3 floors of shops and on the top floor 
there are theaters and restaurants....
This is from LegoLand - it is a picture of a moose using Legos
This is at the LegoLand store as well...
a Tiger and a Transformer made entirely of Legos are on the roof...
You can tell how big these things are when you compare
them to the peoples' heads beneath them.
This is a ride that goes over one of the stores.....YIKES!
This shows the roller coaster tracks....
The entrance.....can you hear the trumpets sounding????
This is the "Peeps Store".....all things "peeps" - 
even though it isn't Easter.
They also have special events.
What you are seeing is a large jumbotron screen - 
showing a guy (in the foreground) at the 
World Yo-Yo Championships.....
which was taking place live there....
Meanwhile, Mike and I went and did some "manly" things.  We started by going to the huge classic car show that was going on - but it was too crowded and we couldn't find a parking space (plus, we refused to ask for directions) we pretty much whined and complained, like men do - and went and did something else...
We went by the Univ of Minnesota 
(the Golden Gophers) Stadium....
Mike is a high school football coach - 
and I have loved football for many years, 
so this was fun to go visit....
This is a water tower in downtown Minneapolis....
it is known as "The Witches Hat"
This is the Mississippi River - that was really high - 
there are normally walkways down there...
We also had a "Saturday evening" family get-together with Mike and Karen's children and grandchildren....
"da boys" playin a little roundball....
L-R: Brett Watson, Owen, Jordan, Elijah
Yes, it is a "growing" family (apparently except for hair....)
L-R: Sara (Brett's wife), Owen (their son), Matt Watson & 
wife Barbara.
The whole group gathered for a birthday party....
L-R: Birthday boy - Jordan (Heidi's son), Justine (Matt & Barbara's daughter),
Nina (Heidi's daughter), Heidi, Barbara, Karen, and Elijah
After all the running around, we went out after church on Sunday to a place in Stillwater that is right along the river
This was our "view" for Sunday dinner...
Mike and Karen......great time with you all.
So this morning, we got up and began the "last leg" of our journey.....From Minneapolis to Crandon, Wisconsin - and consequently - hitting the "last" of the 48 states....
I included the route we took out of Minneapolis.  I have never been here before (other than a stopover at the airport)....but we took a "meandering" journey - mostly following the river....
We could have taken the freeway - 
but instead we took the "scenic route" along the river 
up to Hwy was fun to drive in 
downtown St Paul and then see the sights.
Afterwards, we pretty much hit Hwy 8 and followed it 
through some BEAUTIFUL countryside....
We made a quick stop just outside of Prentice (there was no real town but we found some asphalt to park along) - and as we stopped - Jeanette noticed that this neglected, dilapidated  old building we were standing next to was an old school house...
The band above the door says
and the date is 1912....the building had 
a lot of junk and stuff in front of it....
We also stopped for lunch in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Not sure why, but there are a bunch of dragon statues around the we stopped for a quick photo with one of them....
Anyrate, we arrived in Crandon in good shape. We are just taking it easy - and probably getting some take-out food for dinner and resting in tonight....we still have a couple of big days - before we get home on Thursday.
We hope you are enjoying sharing our adventure.
Wade and Jeanette

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The LAST WEEK.....

Well, Jeanette and I are is hard NOT to travel over 4,500 miles on a motorcycle - through wind and heat and bumpy roads.....with the daily packing and unpacking, etc.  and not feel tired. But, we are having a trip of a lifetime....

It is also hard not to reflect - now that we are going into the last week of our travels.... I will share more about the overall "feelings" about the trip later.... we are finally getting some easy days over this last weekend.... and it is great to relax.

The Iowa State Capitol building....apparently, 
the dome is made from taxpayer money - and college tuition 
(okay, I am kidding about that - being a guy who works 
with government construction and buildings quite a bit - 
it is good to see some architectural interest in some of our 
government buildings. The building was actually built 
between 1871 and 1886.)
We had a great day Thursday touring the area around Des Moines, Iowa. Des Moines is named for the Des Moines River that runs through the town 
The Des Moines River in downtown Des Moines
Any rate, we got to be shown around. Downtown is being/has been renovated and it has quite a few beautiful buildings and (of course) some interesting characters...
Look closely and you will see a guitar player 
in the walkway above the streest of Des Moines...
This is the "old library" which has been renovated 
and is now a "World Food Bank" building. 
They also re-landscaped the place.....and added....
a cool fountain....
...and some picture-esque statues.
I think this one is a "salute" to the Iowa farmer. 
But this building can now be rented out for weddings and it is a good use of an older building.
The city also has bikes you can "rent" and tour downtown (although, like any city, you are taking your life into your hands if you ride a bike on the streets....) But I thought this was a cool thing to do. The bikes can be rented from one location and returned to a different location anywhere downtown. 
Rental bikes in downtown Des Moines
We also toured one of the public parks - this particular public park has a lot of "artwork" - which of course - gave me the opportunity to be amazed at what is called "art" today.....(each of the "art works" has a little plaque telling what it does not say what the artist "charged the city"....which I would have like to have seen...) but any rate, don't take this as I am not an art lover....I think the park is a cool (free) place to walk around and look....but that won't stop me from making interesting observations....
This one is simply known as "the jacket" - 
I was tempted to photoshop my head a few feet higher...
This was called "Dancing" - but is obviously a veiled 
call for a battle.....
as the "statues" are kicking and hitting each other...
(so you can see "art" is in the eye of the beholder)
This one is called "the White Ghost"
This is called "make a stupid caption with me in it and 
you will have a VERY long ride home!"
This was called "Rabbit Thinker"
This is called "Who Has The Higher IQ??"
This originally was titled "Back Of A Snowman" - 
but when we "added" the middle round piece and 
have re-titled it - 
"Short Round Objects That Serve No Purpose...."
Jeanette with her cousin, Tomi Sue. I am not sure what the caption 
on this sculpture is - but I am sure it has something to do with black widows......
And finally, this one is entitled 
"What Wade's Brain Looks Like After 
4 Weeks On Vacation...."
We then finished up our day with a trip to the Machine Shed Restaurant- which is a great farm-style eating place..with big portions and low prices.....and out front were tractors and other things...

Riding one of the various tractors outside of the Machine Shed
Wade...leaving the restaurant....
notice how the pig and I are the same color 
(and we are both stuffed!!)
So we left Des Moines on Friday morning - and did a 275 mile trip up to Minneapolis - where we are currently staying with Jeanette's brother, Mike and his wonderful wife, Karen.  
If you look closely, near both cities, we went 
"off the freeway" to avoid traffic...but going up Hwy 35 
was almost like traveling country roads - as there was so little traffic.
We are going to take it easy this weekend - hang out with Mike's family and maybe see some sights in Minneapolis and area.....
FYI - we have now done something significant in 47 of the 48 contiguous states (BTW, there is no spell checker - so I hope I spelled "contiguous" correctly...) - but that will change Monday when I will blog to you (Lord willing) from Crandon, Wisconsin. Once we do something significant there, we will have done something (both of us, together) in all 48 states....
Until then, thank you for sharing our adventures....
Wade and Jeanette