Sunday, May 27, 2012

One More DAY!

Well, after over a year of planning - starting from the thought I verbalized to Jeanette one time when we were "skyping" while I was in Iraq - "I want to do a long motorcycle trip across the country when I get back" - to tomorrow - it has been a lot of (very fun) work planning the trip, setting the times, establishing the routes and is finally here is  how "the final few hours" are shaping up.....
1. THE BIKE - the bike is in tip-top shape. I have put approx 300 miles on since I had "the final tuneup." The tires and oils, liquids, cables, etc. are in excellent shape. I bought some "Rain-X" and put on the windshield so if/when we hit rain, the windshield will be fairly clear. I am totally familiar with the cruise control, the trip odometers, the Weather Radio, and all of the other amenities of the bike. I have been practicing my "low speed" maneuvers and improving on my skills. The past several months, have been very good - as I have been exercising and lifting weights with some friends at work - and have really increased my upper body strength tremendously (BTW, my upper body strength is still terrible - it is just not as terrible as it was before) - but any way, that strength training will pay dividends at the end of some of the longer (300 mile) days.
2. THE LUGGAGE - believe it or not, we have PLENTY of room. We packed clothing by individual days into ziplock bags and space saver bags. We have an emergency kit (including tools, water, protein bars, etc.), all of the communication equipment (cables, chargers, etc.), extra shoes, rain suits, extra jackets, etc. It is unbelievable how you can "minimize" when you absolutely have to. We will have to do laundry every 5 days or so, but other than that, we are in pretty good shape.

3. THE EQUIPMENT -  We have our "protective gear" ready to go. We are NOT the type to take safety lightly.....we ALWAYS wear helmets, gloves, heavy boots, full length pants.  I got a new visor for my helmet (I broke the old one) - and the intercoms (we have a wireless set which is really nice) with rechargeable batteries - and they are all charged up and ready to go. Jeanette has her "special camera" as well as we both have our cell phones - so we plan to take WAY TOO MANY photos....I went and bought my holster yesterday - and I have checked the "carry laws" of the states we will be driving to/through.

4. THE TRIP - I now have OVER 80 places where we can stop and sight-see. Of course, we probably won't see them all - especially if we start running late - or we just don't feel like it - but we want to at least see some of them. After all, how many times do you get a chance to see a real live steel fire breathing (propane) dragon statue??? We will see that the first day - and we will try to view it at night for the full tourist effect.  I hear it costs a whole dollar.  But as my (very bright) daughter reminded us - this is about the JOURNEY - NOT the destination. Plus, we will be traveling through some of the most beautiful country in the world (the Ozarks, the Rocky Mountains, the High Desert Plains, Yellowstone, the plains of Iowa, the lakes of Minnesota, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, etc. etc.) I am pretty sure that every where we will go - there will be "sights aplenty."

5. THE BLOG -  Okay - Jeanette tells me I can be "rather wordy" at times (although I am sure most of you don't agree with that, right???) So, what I am going to do starting tomorrow is..... I am going to do a "BLUF" (Bottom Line Up Front) section - with a lot of photos and very little text. Then, I will do a more "detailed" section - so that those of you who want to hear "the rest of the story" can follow along with a more detailed description of our adventure. I think those of you who know me - know that I love to tell stories - funny or interesting - but I just love to tell them.

As always, please feel free to comment, to write on Facebook - or to email us directly - as we love hearing from you. And even though it does sound corny - we want you all to share our adventure. So with that.... as I begin our trip - with a version of the way I began the blog several months ago.....

These are the voyages of Wade and Jeanette - and the Starship Vulcan Voyager.  Our mission is to seek out "brave new worlds," to "make more friends," to share our adventures with our current friends, to see as much of God's greatest country as we can and to boldly go where there is paved road, a place to eat - or a site to see...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I love Jeanette's helmet and gloves (yours are just okay, Wade) :-)

    Enjoy your trip, safe travels, and we look forward to seeing you both when you stop through our town!
