Sunday, March 25, 2012

In Search of the Fountain of Youth.....

Well, not a lot happened this week.... since Jeanette's "visit" to the hospital happened last week, which delayed my Florida trip one week. So on Monday, I did a 13-hour drive to Panama City, Florida. I stayed there until Thursday morning and then I did another 13-hour drive home! Unfortunately, I couldn't take the motorcycle. Florida was nice (although Springfield weather was about 80 degrees here while I was there.) The photo below was taken at Schooners, which was a great place (I went there about 4 pm on Wednesday afternoon.) I sat at a table that looked directly out onto the beach. I ordered the blackened grouper sandwich - which was excellent. I didn't stay too long - since I wanted to get up early the next morning and get on the road. 
It is hard to see me in the photo - it was so sunny out - that and the fact that I haven't figured out how to change the exposure of the camera - but you get the idea. 
One of the interesting things about Panama City - I was talking to some of the "locals" and they said that from President's Day until Easter is pretty much "Spring Break Week" - as most of the northern schools (universities) have their spring break sometime during that time. The locals just expect everything to be busy and crowded for that whole time period.
While I was there, I also stopped for donuts at "Leon's Donuts" - this place is a little "dive" near Tyndall Air Force Base. I stopped by and talked with the owner. Leon's has been in business for 70 years (the original Leon just passed away a year or so ago after a nice long life....) - and the present owner is the third owner of Leon's (his name is not Leon.) He worked at the base for many years before he retired and bought the donut shop. I asked if I could stick my camera in and take some photos to show what all of you are missing... here ya go.
I did see a lot of motorcycles down in Panama City - and several times, I wish I would have had my motorcycle. But I also saw how everyone drove down there (reminds me too much of how people drive in Atlanta - they are the most wonderful people when you talk to them - but then, they get behind the wheel of a car and become CRAZY!!) I did see several "almost" accidents - especially people just turning left in front of oncoming cars. Although I am sure I could have found some nice backroads - and there were many beautiful sights - I would have to think twice before driving the motorcycle too much around there.
A couple of other things happened after I got back from - I got a call from the Clark County Sheriff's Department - and my concealed handgun license was ready for me to pick up! They originally said it would take almost a month - but mine cleared (and was totally processed) in a little less than a week! When I went to Iraq, the government does several background checks on me - so I am wondering if that contributed to the fast turn-around time.... I'll never know. But now that means I will be "on the hunt" for a small handgun to take with us on our trip.
I have also spent more time with my "Galaxy Note" - the tablet/phone hybrid that I bought to take with us on the trip. I really like the bigger screen (it has a 5.3" screen size) - which is MUCH easier for me to type on - and easier for me to read. 
Jeanette took a photo of me holding the Note and her iPhone - I like both phones - they each have their good and bad - but for me - I have such bad eyes and such fat fingers, that the big screen is very important to me. Here you can see the relative sizes of each.
I have been working with the Note a bit more to find good applications that will assist us on our trip. They do have a GPS app - but it costs $10 a month - and I am not sure I want to pay that (see "cheap okie" from a previous post.) We did find some other interesting apps (YELP?!? - is an app that shows a lot of stores or businesses that are real close to wherever you are currently at. So, if we are out in the boonies - and I want to find the closest coffee shop....I get on YP Mobile - and just hit "coffee" - and it will quickly map the closest coffee shops - give directions and sometimes operational hours as well! I can find the closest gas stations - and even the prices at each station. So we can shop around for the best price....pretty cool.
Another thing that Jeanette and I have been discussing (and we will start practicing) is that she has a really nice digital camera (not just her iPhone.) As we start doing more riding around our local area, she is going to start taking some pictures and practicing with the camera when we're on the move. Hopefully, that will add to our trip - and to our sharing the trip with you all.
If the weather cooperates, there is a possibility I will get to make some modifications to the Voyager (I am still hoping to put on a trunk rack and the lower shocks.) But between our crazy schedule and the weather - we haven't had a chance to do either of those modifications. Maybe those will be happening soon.
Again, this is another short post - but now "the PTSD trip" is LESS than 9 weeks away....we will continue to write and update you as we make plans to see as much of this great country as we can.

Wade and Jeanette and "the Starship Voyager"

Saturday, March 17, 2012

First "2-Up" Ride.....

Well, first thing - it has been two weeks since we posted. And, one small problem was the major contributor to this delay. I was getting ready to go to Florida last weekend - when Jeanette developed some severe "light-headed-ness" and she was very cold. On Sunday morning, we went to the emergency room and they admitted her. Here is the whole story.... For a few months, Jeanette has had "occasional" light headed-ness. She would tell her cardiologist (she visits him regularly) since she has a pacemaker that was "installed" in 2001 - to assist her heart (her family has a history of heart trouble - and she was frequently going into atrial fibrillation). But the EKG's they took at that time showed no significant troubles. So there was nothing they could really do. But this past Sunday morning, Jeanette starts getting ready to go to church, but she is so lightheaded that she could hardly stand or catch her breath. So I took her to the emergency room.
The ER took an EKG from Jeanette and sent it to her cardiologist. The cardiologist looked at the EKG and told the ER doctor that she was in A-Fib - and she needed to spend the night - so he could "cardio-vert" her (shock her heart) in the morning. So Jeanette was admitted and waited for the cardiologist the next morning. Dr. Nathan came in - and saw Jeanette's EKG - and said apparently the ER staff sent him the wrong one (?) - but she was not in A-fib and there was no reason to shock her. They were waiting for the pacemaker rep to come - but she was late - so Dr. Nathan was in the process of releasing Jeanette from the hospital when the pacemaker rep showed up. She quickly hooked up the computer to Jeanette's pacemaker and found there was a "weak signal" to one of the leads (wires). She adjusted Jeanette's pacemaker - and "Bob's yer uncle" - she is fine. She has resumed her (way too busy) schedule and we are still on pace to start our trip. So that was a FUN diversion.... although I had to postpone my trip to Florida until next Monday - so I will be heading out of town then.
What else has happened since the last post..... Well, I finally decided on a Samsung Galaxy Note (it is a "hybrid" between a phone and a tablet - - seriously, they are calling it a "phablet".) But it has a 5.3" screen and does stuff that both a phone and a tablet do. I am still getting used to it - but it does a lot of cool stuff. It also "bluetooths" to our helmet intercom eventually, I will get it to give us directions as we are driving along. I decided against a tablet - as I would have to buy a data plan, a messaging plan and I would still have to buy a phone - and I just don't want to carry all of that stuff. I like the Note - as I can turn it sideways and have "bigger" buttons to type with. My eyes are bad enough that it is hard to see these little buttons. So on that score (so far) I really like "the note".
Additionally, I went and took my "concealed carry" class and have applied for my permit. The class was 12 hours long (mostly powerpoint slides) and ended with about an hour of shooting (I rented a Glock 17 - a 9 mm handgun that is REALLY nice - especially when you compare it to the Berreta that I carried when i was in Iraq). It was a good class and I am expecting my CHL (concealed handgun license) in a month or so. After I get that, I will be in the market to go buy a new handgun. Again, if you look at our "route" - we are going through some very "rural" areas and I am not worried about people as much as I am animals or other this is a defensive weapon...(one thing they did stress in the class - make EVERY ATTEMPT to run away! - and this is ME!)  Don't wave the thing around or pull it out if you are having someone tailgate you. It is only for a LAST resort - and only if it is life or death situations. But it was a good class and understand that everyone who carries a concealed weapon (legally) is required to take a class and pass a background test. When a crook sees a "no weapons allowed" sign (in a restaurant or store) - he is ASSURED that every person in there who could legally protect themselves is unarmed.....just something to think about.
We also took a trip over to Iron Pony Motorsports in Columbus Ohio (about 40 miles away)....and it is an AWESOME store and has LOTs of stuff for the touring (or sport) rider. The main thing I wanted to get Jeanette (for Valentine's Day) was a nice riding jacket. These aren't your father's leather jackets.... these now have armor in the shoulder, back and elbows. The liners zip out - and they are semi-waterproof - so you can wear them in almost any weather.  
This picture is the first jacket Jeanette was looking at in the store - this is an Icon - and it has all of the stuff mentioned above and cost $150! It was a great jacket....however, the "okie" in us made us go look around further and we found almost the same jacket (it is not quite as "long" and doesn't have some of the fancy tighteners) - but it was only $50!!! So we bought that one for Jeanette (and that is the one she is wearing in the photo later on.) We also bought two (bright yellow - and heavy gauge) rainsuits and they were on sale for $35. For comparison - last year, I went to Lowe's and found two suits - that were very light gauge and fell apart after the first ride - and those cost $20 each.... so for an extra $15 we got a great upgrade.
I also wanted to get a few miles (solo) on the bike before I took Jeanette out. As I said, this bike is MUCH BIGGER and heavier than our old bike.... so I have taken it out and spent a lot of time working on my technique (especially at very slow speeds - whereas I could "horse" the old bike since it was lighter - but I can't do it with this new one). I also bought the "Ride Like A Pro" DVD series (this is the guy who teaches a lot of the motorcycle cops how to ride). I tried several of his techniques - and have been using them (They really work!! The DVD was only $30 and was very informative. There are also lots of "youtube" videos - where you can learn some of the same techniques).
I have also been continuing with my "fitness challenge" at work - and I have been concentrating on my upper body strength (which historically has been VERY weak for me). I am making strides and (although I will never win a "gun" show.) I feel that my arms and legs are in much better shape than they were a few months ago.
I came home last night and told Jeanette that I was ready for our first "2-Up" ride since the weather was supposed to be nice. We wanted to go to this new (to us) place (Loretta's Country Kitchen in Christianburg Ohio) - about 30 miles away (by back roads) - and it would be a nice close place to ride to...
So this morning, we get up and head out. At first, I was a little worried as the bike by itself is around 900 lbs.....adding myself, fuel, (and Jeanette) to that total makes it a little over 1200 lbs. That is a lot of weight. But after we got out of the driveway, everything came together. I just used my techniques (and of course, Jeanette is an "interactive" rider - where she always assists me as we are continually scanning for scary situations - and she watches for and alerts me to cross traffic. I actually feel a LOT safer when she rides with me.... and of course, it is a LOT more fun to ride with her because we can talk about stuff we see as we are driving along.) At Loretta's Country Kitchen, the food was tremendous! And there was a lot of it. We immediately asked for a box and brought about 2/3 of the breakfast home (it will become Sunday morning's breakfast.)
After that, we went for a "ride" - up to St. Paris to fill up and then doing a "lap" around Kiser Lake - and taking the "long, scenic way home". We put on about 90 miles total today. The new bike rides so much smoother (and handles the nasty bumps so much better than the old bike.) And it is much more "relaxed" as we drive along because of the larger engine and the 6-speed transmission. The weather was cool - not a lot of traffic and it was just a great ride all around. About ten miles from home - Jeanette says...."Wade - I like our new bike"
Couldn't agree more.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Okay I guess I can't complain... the last week in February - and I actually got to put on about 50 miles or so on the new bike. Mostly, we have been working on planning the logistics for the trip. The first thing were reservations at all of the hotels where we would like to stay..... figuring out the dates we will be there - making the reservations, tracking confirmation numbers, etc. I have a spreadsheet where I keep all of this data - so every time I make a confirmation, I enter the confirmation number, address, phone number, costs (including taxes) so I have an idea of what to budget for the trip.....
So I have finished getting ALL of the hotels (about 20 nights in 19 different hotels - the rest of the time, we will be staying with relatives).

As for the bike - when I was in Iraq, someone sent us these "I served" stickers - one for Afghanistan and one for Iraq. So I proudly put them on the bike so most people could see....
Additionally, I went and bought some new shocks for the bike. These shocks will lower the seat height by about 2" (remember when I wrote about the elevator shoes last week?) Well, these simply replace the stock shocks (there has got to be a joke in there somewhere) - but the new shocks arrived this week and with a little bit of luck (and some good weather), I should be installing them next week!  Whoo-hoo!
We have found out there are some vacuum-type packing bags at Bed, Bath and Beyond. They are like 6 for $20 (in 3 different sizes) so we are in process of buying those and we will actually start some early packing (our "heavy" riding gear - but that will be for emergencies only). This will help save space... the bags work where you put the gear in and then roll it up - pushing all the air out.....

Finally, and I know this is not a long post - but our intercom system (it is a wireless system and mounts directly to the helmet - and it is a VERY good system so Jeanette and I can communicate while we're traveling along)... we spent a few extra minutes and got the "bluetooth" function on the intercom system set up - so now, we can actually talk on the phone through the helmets.  And again, like I have stated previously, safety is job #1.... but Jeanette can talk as we ride along and I can listen in (if we get calls or if she chooses to call someone)... so it is a very cool feature. Of course, we can also listen to music or other stuff on her phone.
When I finally decide on a GPS system (meaning a galaxy tablet computer or something like that) - I will connect that up to the helmet intercom as well.  That way, when "directions" are voiced over the GPS, we can hear them through the cool is that?

Next week, I will hopefully be telling you about the shocks (if they work and how easy the replacement was) well as any other updates on the trip.....